Free PDF Puzzlemaster Deck: 75 Brain Twisters, by Will Shortz
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Puzzlemaster Deck: 75 Brain Twisters, by Will Shortz
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Chronicle Books is pleased to continue the Puzzlemaster Deck line with this new deck from acclaimed NPR Puzzlemaster Will Shortz, crossword puzzle editor for the New York Times. Packed with 75 verbal brainteasers each, this deck will challenge all who enjoy wordplay. None of the puzzles require pen or paper, making them perfect for playing while standing in line, commuting to work, or hanging out with friends.
- Sales Rank: #1151104 in eBooks
- Published on: 2010-07-01
- Released on: 2010-07-01
- Format: Kindle eBook
About the Author
This deck from Will Shortz, acclaimed puzzlemaster for NPR's Weekend Edition Sunday, and crossword puzzle editor for the New York times, is packed with 75 verbal brainteasers to challenge all who enjoy wordplay. None of the puzzles require pen and paper, so throw a few of the cards in your bag and test your brainpower while standing in line, comuting to work, or hanging out with friends! You'll find this deck to be highly puzzling entertainment!
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Playing card-sized puzzles really make you think...
By KB33
When you buy this deck, keep in mind that these are fairly difficult puzzles. They require some serious thought; they're not rapid-fire quiz questions like those in Will Shortz's Brain Busters, Puzzlemasters, or Mind Games. For my purposes -- sitting around the campfire or in a car on a road trip -- Brain Busters Puzzlemasters and Mind Games are much more fun!!! The best thing about this deck is it's size -- like a deck of cards, it's easy to stuff in a pocket or a pack.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Fun and interesting
By R-Squared
We play them a couple at a time, sometimes over breakfast. Never more than 3 or 4 puzzles at a time, though - we stretch the fun out over several weeks. Will Shortz has a collection of similar decks, and we're always glad to find a new one.
We also like the product design, and the sturdiness of the cards and the box. Nothing flimsy here, really well produced.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
So much fun!
By Sam Reznik
Though some of the puzzle solutions are a bit outlandish, this is a great game to play in a group where each person has a chance to contribute to finding the answer. Very rewarding once you get them right!
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